Friday Confessions

posted in: Random Stuff | 8

This is Dear Husband clearing weeds out of our side yard this past summer.  It has nothing to do with my Friday confessions.  I just like how cool he thinks he looks.

1.  Each night I look at the clock and figure out how many hours I have until it’s time to get up.  Then I think to myself “ahhhh, 6 hours to just lie here and do nothing.”

2.  After thinking how wonderful it is to just do nothing for 6 hours I then think “Is tonight the night someone will wake up throwing up and disturb my do nothing sleep?”

3.  I had to dig through the dryer to find clean underwear today.

4.  Yesterday I wore my shirt inside out and didn’t discover that fact until bedtime.

5.  I’m still disappointed that Buffy and Angel never got together.

6.  In 1992 I had the Brian Adams cassette single Everything I Do I Do It For You from Robin Hood and played it til it wore out.  I still think it’s one of the best soundtrack love songs ever.

7.  I tried to get Harry interested in the Critter County doll house at the toy store just so I could play with it.

8.  Last night Addison and I had to have a “come to Jesus” meeting about being spoiled.

9.  This week I stayed up until midnight cutting and counting Box Tops.  I vow never to volunteer on the Box Top committee (which is a committee of 2) again.

10.  Next year I will probably volunteer to count Box Tops because nobody else will do it.

8 Responses

  1. christine

    My husband and I danced our first dance at our wedding to that song. Love it. I dug through the clean clothes basket two days in a row looking for clean socks and underwear. Good luck with the box tops. Perhaps a party, BYO scissors, but you supply the wine?

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