So this happened; Listen To Your Mother

listen to your mother cast

About a year ago I heard about this thing called Listen To Your Mother.  It’s a show where women from all walks of life read their story on stage.  In front of real people.  Anything about moms, mothering, being a mother, having a mother, grandmothers, etc.  There are shows all over the country and last year was the first year Oklahoma City had a show.  In order to participate in the show you need to audition.  I thought about it last year and then realized that the weekend of the show I would be on a trip…with my own mother.  Ah, the irony.  So I forgot about it.  Until a couple of months ago.

I saw on the FB that submissions for the Oklahoma City show were being accepted.  I wrote something, at midnight, and submitted it.  Dear Husband and an English major friend of mine were the only people who saw my submission, so they could edit it.  I didn’t tell anybody about it because I was pretty certain I wouldn’t get chosen to audition.

Then a funny thing happened.  I was asked to do a live audition of my piece.  I convinced myself that only 3 people submitted and they were desperate so that’s why they asked me.  

So I did my live read, via FaceTime (it’s a long story).  Dear Husband and I were hanging with some friends in a posh hotel when all of this happened.  As the day was winding down and we were drinking wine another funny thing happened.  I got a call that I was part of the cast.  What?  For reals?  The wine and fancy hotel combined with the acceptance phone call and I started to feel like a celeb.  I started to watch my phone for a call from David Letterman’s office.  Or GMA at the very least.  I’m expecting a call from Ellen.  Any.  Minute.  Now.   

listen to your mother

So, on May 4th, I’m going to read my essay along with 14 other women in front of a audience.  If you are in Oklahoma city I would love, love, love, love, love for you to be there with me.  Details on tickets as we get closer to the date.

6 Responses

  1. Chris Carter

    Yes- I am already breaking my ‘no reading other blogs for a while’ rule- but how could I NOT come read this and CELEBRATE with YOU!!!!! Oh, you must must must utube it, okay? CONGRATS my dear friend- SO deserved. Just SO deserved. XOXO

    • Stephanie Clinton

      Thank you for breaking your fast just for me. I’m honored! Yes, I will share the YouTube video when it’s all said and done. thank you for all your support.

  2. Melinda Hohenberger


    I know you haven’t met me but I feel like I know you well. I had the privilege of caring for Adam and Emily before I married my husband and moved to California. Adam came to my wedding in Norman. They were awesome kids and have become awesome people. Gary and Pam were so, so good to me and I will never forget their many kindnesses.

    I would like to get to OKC and Norman in the spring; just not sure when. I have not seen my sisters in five years. If it is around the date you will be speaking, I would count it an honor to get to hear you and hopefully get to meet you. I will stay tuned for further details.

    You are a very gifted writer and I hope you will be writing for many years to come. You have excellent parenting skills and your craftiness is amazing. I am so glad that I read a blog post that Emily share shared one day about a year ago.

    Take good care and have an awesome day!

    Melinda Hohenberger

    • Stephanie Clinton

      What sweet words. Thank you so much for sharing that Melinda. I would love to meet you in real life if you are in OK that weekend.

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