Toddler Proof Christmas Card Display

posted in: Crafty Lady | 4

2012 christmas card 4

Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday to one and all.  This is our card that we mailed out (minus the cute paper I glued each one on to).  Now I would like to share the virtual version with all of you.  I truly appreciate those of you who have come back to my little blog these past (almost) two years.  Thank you. *sniff*

Now on to business.

I love giving and receiving Christmas cards.  Despite the stress I put myself through to find a more economical way to send out my list this year, I still love it.  I love seeing my friend’s and relative’s families that I almost never get to see and seeing how much their kids have grown.  I feel connected to them even though it may have been years since we last saw each other in person.  I love receiving cards from friends I see every day.  I feel honored that they would deem us worthy enough and close enough friends to have us on their Christmas list.  I even love reading the letters that some people send.  If you sent me a card, rest assured that I studied it and it was cherished.

Now the challenge is finding a way to display them where little hands can’t rip them down.  In the past I have displayed them on a ribbon hanging vertically in the doorway.  I can’t do that because then I would spend the entire Advent playing Drive-mommy-crazy-by-taking-down-every-card-every-time-she-leaves-the-room with my almost 3 year old.  It’s not a fun game.

But I want to be able to see them and not have to flip through a pile on the counter that will just get lost in the shuffle of all our other clutter.  Horizontal is the way to go.

3M hooks, twine and clothes pins.  Done.




I’m loving this display.  I can still look at them and not worry about them getting ripped or colored on.  Dear Husband doesn’t have to stoop his head very much to walk under it, only like an inch.  I don’t think he minds very much.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and all the rest!

4 Responses

  1. Bridget Todd

    Is this an adaptation of your moms gingerbread wreath??? I don’t see my card, so I guess it didn’t make the cut. What a beautiful tree.

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