Soooooo easy DIY snow man wreath
My sweet friend who was due to have her baby in December (she had a precious baby boy, 8 lb 7 oz) found this snow man wreath on Pinterest a while ago. She didn’t want to do the spray painting … Continued
My sweet friend who was due to have her baby in December (she had a precious baby boy, 8 lb 7 oz) found this snow man wreath on Pinterest a while ago. She didn’t want to do the spray painting … Continued
Recently I got a bug to change up the art on my dining room wall. My idea was to hang a bunch of empty frames and then display the kids art in the frames. That way I could change out … Continued
I’ve been thinking about this wreath for an entire year. Last Halloween I never got around to making it but this year is my year! Plus, I’m featured on DailyBuzz Moms 9×9 so an added incentive to get my butt … Continued
Someone call Bob Stoops to let him know that I’ve got all of his OU home decor covered. Ummmm…maybe his wife would appreciate this a little more. I’m not too sure how much guys are into wreaths…even football wreaths. After … Continued
Once upon a time there was an Ikea coffee table. This is a story of a coffee table’s journey to becoming a Lego table. (if you want to skip the tale, jump to the bottom for instructions on how to … Continued
Thursday, July 19th I finally hung up my 4th of July wreath. What? I’ve been busy. The first week of July we were in New Mexico and the week before that was spent….doing something important. I’m sure it had something … Continued
I got this idea from Pinterest and knew this was for us. A lightsaber made from a pool noodle? Of course! We already have multiple toy lightsabers, wiffle ball bat covered in construction paper to create a lightsaber, toy sword … Continued
“They” say that if you haven’t worn an article of clothing in a year then you should get rid of it (exception being formal wear). I’m pretty good about that except for a few items. I have a few dresses … Continued
Last week BFF came over to do a little wreath crafting. Four days later and we had completed four yarn wreaths. Four?! Yes, four. BFF will be working at an artsy-fartsy art youth camp this month. She is in charge … Continued
A few weeks ago I bought earrings for my sister-in-law and my niece for their birthday’s. As usual, I was late sending them out. I was about two weeks late for my sister-in-law and only a few days late for … Continued