Share Four Somethings – April

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share four somethings april

This month’s edition of Share Four Somethings is going to cover both March and April. I had every intention of doing a share post for March, but you know what they say about ‘good intentions’. Thank goodness for Heather and her monthly link up to Share Four Somethings. Without her I’m not sure I would ever take time to write.

Something Loved: March – Spring Break At Home

I love our spring break trips to Palm Springs. The every-other-year trips are always something to look forward to and give us undivided attention with my in-laws. That doesn’t happen on a regular basis despite the fact that we live in the same town. However, this year was a non-Palm Springs year and instead of planning a trip somewhere else we just decided to stay home. We spent a few days with my parents but the rest of the week was spent sleeping in and being lazy. There was something about sleeping in and letting the boys veg out all day that had me anticipating summer break. The weather was still chilly but not the January tights-under-my-leggings cold. Instead, the chill in the air held a promise of warmer days and suddenly I could see the finish line of the school year.

Something Loved: April – “Normal” Easter service

Two years ago Easter was completely online which, looking back, really sucked. Easter isn’t the same at home no matter how much you try to spin it. I missed the crowded pews, the Easter hats, the crying babies. Most of all I missed the music.

Last Easter we were back in our church sanctuary but the choir wasn’t performing and masks were still mandatory. It was nice to be back in our beautiful building but the traditional music we always sing was piped in from recordings of Easter past. Without the choir and instrumentalists, it still felt hallow.

This year the choir was back in the choir loft (although the choir still wore masks) and the brass instruments were in their place. We sang the Easter introit and hymns we all love. I even had the honor of opening the service in prayer and leading the congregation in The Lord’s Prayer. Being asked to lead everyone in prayer and looking out on my church family and actually seeing smiles was a gift and a balm to my Pandemic weary soul. The tradition in our church is close the service with Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus. Finally, after two years I could sing the sustained G at the top of my lungs to my heart’s content.

Something Learned: March – I need to ask for help

I don’t like asking for help. I don’t like feeling like I owe somebody something because they did something for me. I don’t like having to rely on other people to do something that I’m more than capable than doing. I don’t like asking for help and then being disappointed with the resulting effort. The phrase if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself is a reality I’ve all too often experienced when I asked for help and then have been let down. Are my expectations in the abilities of others too high? Probably. But I don’t think I should downgrade my standards because of the ineptitude of others.

That being said, last month I found myself in a situation where I couldn’t be three places at once. I had to bite the bullet and ask for help. Thankfully, Adam always has my back and knowing that I struggle to ask people for favors, did most of the asking for me. Adam and my friends came through for me, as I knew they would, but it was still hard to admit I couldn’t make it all happen on my own.

Something Braved: March – Middle School Track

Harry participated in middle school track this year. Thankfully, Adam is a runner and was a track guy in middle school and high school. Because of his experience and enthusiasm, he took on most of the communication and track meet responsibilities. My experience was figuring out how to add a daily activity to our family schedule, pick up and drop off, squeezing in dinner time, and making sure things didn’t fall through the cracks. I’m glad Harry did it as he seemed to enjoy it but I’m equally glad the season is over.

Something Braved: April – Closet Clean out

Too many clothes…it’s an American epidemic. I’m not afraid to admit that I have a difficult time getting rid of clothes and shoes that I think I might one day wear. Letting go of a beloved piece of clothing that hasn’t been worn in years is hard, that’s way it’s important for a neutral third party to help. One Friday afternoon, my friend and Cabi stylist came over and help me and Adam sort through was was out dated, what didn’t fit, what was worn out and what could stay in our closet. In just a few hours we had three huge trash bags of clothes for donation and two big trash bags of trash. She even helped me see some of my clothes in a new light and gave me suggestions on how to wear them with bottoms or tops that I wouldn’t have previously though of. The best part, she didn’t force us to get rid of the sentimental clothes. She understands that there are some items that are too precious and it’s okay to put them in the back of the closet for sentimental reasons.

Something Achieved: March – Oklahoma Arts Institute acceptance

Back in February I wrote about how I was proud of Addison for applying to the Oklahoma Arts Institute summer camp. It’s a difficult program to get into and he was stepping out of his comfort zone to do so. In late March we found out he was accepted! He will be studying film and media this summer at the camp in Quart Mountain, Oklahoma. Now that we have passed the hurdle of auditioning and being accepted, he has a new challenge of simply attending. The camp is two weeks and while I don’t think two weeks is very long to be at summer camp (my parents sent me for four weeks) he is apprehensive about it. I have complete faith that he will either enjoy the experience or learn from it. Either way I’m very proud of what he has accomplished thus far.

Something Achieved: April – Weekend away with a friend

At the very end of April, my friend and neighbor are going to Dallas together to see a live show of a podcast we both love. Making time to do something that is just for you is very difficult for both of us. Not only are there kid schedules to think of but taking time away from family feels selfish. But this experience was important to both of us and getting away for even 24 hours feels like a huge achievement.


3 Responses

  1. Kym

    I feel your excitement in being able to have a ‘normal’ Easter service! How wonderful it is to be back to normal in so many aspects of our lives, but especially in worship! It is hard to ask for help, so I definitely relate to that as well. It’s been a pleasure to visit you today – I’m stopping by from SFS

  2. lili

    she didn’t force us to get rid of the sentimental clothes. She understands that there are some items that are too precious and it’s okay to put them in the back of the closet for sentimental reasons.

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