Five Minute Friday: Work

posted in: Blogging, Writing | 12

five minute friday work

What a week! Do you ever feel like the week races by and then you wonder why it felt so long? That is how this week felt to me. The boys were only in school three days this week but with everything that is happening in the world, writing an emotional post, and doing all of the fifteen billion regular things I do, it felt like a crazy week. 

But I made time to link up with Five Minute Friday this week. I’m glad I did because the writing prompts always cause me to stop and think and then spend just a few minutes putting words down. This weeks prompt is work. 

Five minutes are on the clock…GO

“So What do you do for work?”

It’s a common enough question but one that is tricky to answer.

I work at my son’s school. I work at serving the community through Assistance League, my church, and Meals on Wheels. I work on this blog. I work at making fun YouTube videos every week. I work at making my home a beautiful and cozy place that my family will feel comfortable and safe in. I work at making food every day that will nourish us both our bodies and our family as a bonding time. I work at not going crazy as I try to parent a middle schooler. 

I do a lot of work but unfortunately, none of it pays. Sadly, success and work are linked by how much money you make for said work. It is taking me a long time but I’m beginning to get over the feeling of inadequacy for not bringing in a paycheck for all of that “work”. I still feel the tug to justify the work I do and why I don’t get paid for it. I feel the pressure to make of of this work pay off and the disappointment when that doesn’t happen. 

Not all work has to bring a monetary paycheck. 


12 Responses

  1. Rachel

    Nice site! Well done. Feels nice and cozy … plus there’s stuff to learn. Visiting from Five Minute Friday! Blessings!

    • Stephanie Clinton

      Cozy is my favorite word. Glad you felt that way and thanks for visiting.

  2. Bethany V.

    “I do a lot of work but unfortunately, none of it pays.”
    Yes, Yes, Yes! I could have written this. I’m a homeschool mama who is also a blogger and writer, who teaches classes at the local homeschool co-op and runs two church ministries and is about to launch a 3rd. When people ask if I work I kind of stare at them blankly. Do they want to know about my work or if I have a paying job? My husband often talks about the work he wants to do with his life as being separate from his job. Many of the most important things we will do in life won’t have a paycheck attached. I’m still struggling with the validity of my work without a paycheck too.
    Thanks so much for this.

    • Stephanie Clinton

      Glad I’m not alone in tons of work for no paycheck. But the long term effects for the things we do will be so worth it. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Jennifer

    Wow – you do a lot of work! Honestly, it all sounds quite envious:) But I agree how success and even the value of what we do is so often linked to its paycheck. But, I commented on another FMF post (forgive me for repeating myself) but it truly seems that the work we do, that does not have a paycheck, is usually the most rewarding! I think it is great that you have so many opportunities and ways to invest yourself….and work each day!

    I’m glad to have found your blog – and look forward to checking out your YouTube.

    Your neighbor at FMF this week!

    • Stephanie Clinton

      I so agree with you. The things we do out of the goodness of our heart have a longer lasting pay off than something we deposit in the bank. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy the YouTube channel.

  4. Kemi

    You do a lot of work! And you are so right. When people ask me what I do for work I’m kind of tongue tied. Yet I have all these things I actually do. Since they amount to very little or no money it doesn’t look like work to the world. Love your blog.
    Dropping by from FMF.

    • Stephanie Clinton

      I’m still working on my response to that dreaded question. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. thumbtack

    Such a nice well-thought out, comprehensive post! Thanks! I definitely relate to that feeling you get when you want to change things around. I’m currently working on getting rid of everything that isn’t useful !

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