Five Minute Friday – Pause

posted in: Home Life, Writing | 1

Today’s Five Minute Friday writing prompt is Pause. I didn’t know if I could find the time to pause my fast forward life to do this but everyone can find five minutes to take breather. Right?

Five minutes are on the clock….GO!


When I saw that today’s prompt was Pause I really didn’t think I would be able to think of anything meaningful to say or ever find the time to do it. How in the world can I pause my life when I’m going ninety-to-nothing right now?

I returned at midnight last night from a three-day leadership conference only to turn right around and fly out again tomorrow morning for a two week international vacation.

Pause? Are you serious?

But this morning I made the decision to attend my Friday morning yoga class even though my to-do list was long. I knew I wouldn’t be back to class for a couple of weeks (maybe three) so I set my list aside and hit pause on the day.

Thank goodness I did.

After traveling all week and sitting on a plane for way too long, my neck and shoulders were aching and as hard as a rock. Taking 45 minutes to slow down, stretch, pull on my muscles, all while watching the rain fall outside the two story windows was exactly what I needed to get ready to hit the play button again.

It was only 45 minutes out of my day but it made a huge difference. Sometimes we have to force ourselves to hit pause even when we think we don’t have the time for it. It could have been easy to skip class and rush about my day but I would have missed out on time to clear my head. I would have missed out on the chance to give my tight muscles a much needed break.


Have you been able to pause lately?

  1. Gayl

    “Sometimes we have to force ourselves to hit pause even when we think we don’t have the time for it. ” This is so true, but when I do force myself to pause even when I think I don’t have time, I am always refreshed. Blessings to you! I’m your neighbor at #FiveMinuteFriday.

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