It’s the last day of school and like a bad mom I forgot to take a pic as Addison headed out the door. I blame it on lack of coffee.
I started reminiscing about this past year as I scrolled through the pics on FB that all the good moms took and decided that all in all it was a good year. We had a great teacher, nothing super bad happened (i.e. he didn’t throw up in class, didn’t get pants-ed in P.E. or miss very many days) and the report card had good things to report. Not all of his spelling tests were stellar and penmanship is pretty terrible but the way I see it by the time he enters the work force he will do everything on a computer or tablet. The pencil will be obsolete. Plus, I’m terrible at spelling and I’m okay so I figure he will be too.
As an end of year gift for our teacher I decided on a gift card plus a banner that she can use in her classroom next year. Our school uses the word SHINE as an acronym to help kids remember to make good choices and do the right thing. SHINE stands for Students Helping In Nurturing Excellence. Addison came up with the idea for the banner to say SHINE.
I used my new Cricut Pretty Pennants Cartridge to cut out the banner shapes. I’m loving this cartridge because it has several banner shapes in addition to the traditional triangle plus lots of cute ways to embellish the banner. I used Cricut Cartridge Boys Will Be Boys
for the letters.
So that’s it for 2nd grade. Bring on the summer.
Love the “Shine” idea