Happy Mouth Meatloaf
I call this Happy Mouth Meatloaf because it will make your mouth happy. The “real” name for it (the one I have dubbed it) is Hidden Veggie Meatloaf w/ Balsamic Glaze. The words veggie and meatloaf in the same sentence … Continued
A visit to the bone museum
Actually it’s called the Museum of Osteology but I was hoping to get a giggle out of that title.
My word for Lent is “healed”
The following is the devotion from my Lent devotional book by Holly McKissick.
How much screen time have YOU earned?
The concept of “screen time” is pretty new to me. How much time your kid spends playing video games, watching tv, playing on the computer, playing on the iPhone. I’m not the type of mom who is overly concerned about … Continued
Egg Salad Sandwiches
I’m a fan of egg salad sandwiches. If your not a fan of egg salad then get with the program and become one. What do you think you are you going to do the next time you are in a … Continued
The following is a short list of the type of friends that I think every mom needs in their life.
Bagels, come’n get ‘um!
Today I made bagels! It was super easy; anybody could do it…as long as you have a bread machine. If you don’t have a bread machine I suggest you hop on over to amazon (after you’re done reading this of … Continued
Lent, what am I going to do with you?
Today is the third day of Lent. This year, like last year, I am struggling with what I should give up. Popular items include chocolate, smoking, coffee. It’s my understanding that the item to be given up should be a … Continued