At our last parent/teacher meeting, Addison’s teacher had lots of good things to say (I could gush here but I won’t b/c it makes me a little crazy when I hear other parents go on and on about how their child is the next Bill Gates when all I can think is “are we talking about the same kid?” Blegh, I won’t do that to you). Then Ms. 2nd Grade got that concerned look in her eyes. None of her concerns were surprising to us but his teacher is concerned that next year (the “state testing year”) may be a struggle when he has to finish timed tests that result in a reflection in our school’s performance on a state level. State regulations have to be met, and children who don’t test well are at a disadvantage. Thanks a lot “no child left behind” for boxing our teachers into teaching to the test.
Anyhoo – we talked about Sensory Processing Disorder and agreed that we would talk to our Pediatrician and Occupational Therapist. A visit to the Pediatrician was interesting…a healthy check up but still the concerned look on her face. While we don’t think he as ADD or ADHD the Pediatrician would like to explore that avenue (okay, I’ll go with the “rule it out” school of thought) so we came home with a lengthy questionnaire to fill out. A couple of the questions left us scratching our heads. The rating scale was 0=Not true at all, 1= Just a little true, 2= Pretty much true, 3= Very much true
Is your child perfect in every way?
Does your child behave like an angel?
We honestly didn’t know how to answer these two questions. Is there a child anywhere in the world that is perfect in every way? What child acts like an angle all the time? If I answer “not true at all” then it makes it seem like my child is a brat but if I answer anything other than “not true” it makes me seem a little delusional regarding my child’s behavior. Just a little perfect? That doesn’t seem to make much sense either. I mean, seriously, if any parent thinks that their child acts like an angel or is perfect in every way then the parents have a problem, not the kid. Parents who think their child can do no wrong are the parents who have no idea that their kid is the one running around the playground bonking all the smaller kids on the head, pulling the cat’s tail and acting like a maniac but can cry at the drop of a hat when their mom comes around the corner. Oh, please. I can not think of one single kid that is a perfect angel. Can you? Sure, Harry is pretty dern cute and a sweetie but he’s still a 3 year old and can act like one when he wants to.
Are there parents out there who would answer “yes” to either of these questions? Are there kids out there who are perfect or angels? Am I missing something? Dear Husband and I came to the conclusion that the questions were put there to test the parents to see how in touch or out of touch they were with their child. It must be a trick question so we left it blank. However, I must admit that I included a separate sheet with an explanation as to why we left 4 (there were two other questions that didn’t make any sense to us) of the questions blank. Something in my personality won’t let me turn this in without an explanation of my answers. Which is interesting because I can remember taking standardized tests in high school and filling in ACDC as the answers for the heck of it. Funny how parenthood can alter your sense of responsibility. Something about this questionnaire made me feel like we as parents were being graded just as much as our child. I also must admit that part of my written explanation to the Dr. was “this is a strange question“.
Is it presumptuous of me to question the questions? Probably, but seriously, perfect in every way?! Only Mary Poppins get’s that character trait. Come on people, work with me here.
When I first started reading this, I figured those questions were hypothetical! That is beyond bizarre! Way to go for rebelling…with an explanation! I love it :).
Hugs, Kisses and Snot
Ha! I’m such a rebel!
I’m a new reader and I haven’t had the chance to skim your archives yet, but I identify SO much with a lot of this post.
First, as a former teacher, I HATE standardized testing and NCLB, so I feel for anyone who struggles with that. Second, my son is only 3, but I suspect he might have similar symptoms to your son; I can see testing for ADD/Sensory Processing issues in the future.
I can’t believe anyone would describe their child as “perfect in every way.”
Hugs, Kisses and Snot
First, thanks for reading!
My son was between 2 and 3 when we learned about Sensory Processing Disorder. He was about 3 1/2 when we started Listening Therapy with the OT and it helped so much to put a name/definition with what we were dealing with.
Gook luck w/ your son. Sometimes just knowing you’re not alone in this crazy thing called parenting is half the battle.
Chris Carter
I seriously am baffled at those questions. Absolutely bizarre. Wrong. Why on EARTH would those be there? I would have called the doc and complained about them and asked WHY in the world they were even part of the questionnaire. I will be interested to know if you have any follow up with this! Please keep us posted!!
Hugs, Kisses and Snot
I’m eager to hear what the Dr. has to say. If it’s at all interesting I’ll give an update.
Julie @ Lilacs & Longhorns
Very strange questions!! They must be there to test the parents. Who on earth thinks their child is a perfect angel? As much as I love my kiddos and think they’re awesome, they are kids and make mistakes and misbehave! I am anxious to hear what your doctor has to say.
James Jordan
I liked how you shared your struggles and successes with balancing your roles and responsibilities, and how you try to be best version of yourself without being too hard on yourself.
Window & Door Repair Services Port Orange FL
I completely understand your dilemma with those questionnaire questions! Parenting is a journey filled with ups and downs, and no child is “perfect” or an “angel” all the time. Your thoughtful and honest approach to answering them is commendable. Parenthood indeed comes with its unique challenges.