Heartbreak to Happy Ending

I would like to introduce you to a friend of mine, Kate.  She is an IVF mom and you may have read about her in my Personhood Update.  I mentioned in my update that Kate has a very powerful IVF story to tell.  She has graciously allowed me to share her story here.  Her story is an important one because she and her husband didn’t use IVF because of infertility.  They used IVF in order to have a healthy baby that would live past infancy.  They lost their first son at just four months old.  He was born with a genetic chromosomal defect and because it was genetic there was no way of knowing if any future children would suffer the same way their first son did.

Click here to read Kate’s story.

A word of warning: you will need a box of kleenex.  Also be prepared to spontaneously burst into tears randomly for the next 7 to 10 days.  I’m serious.

Thankfully Kate and her husband have a happy ending.  Because of IVF they were able to identify the embryos that did not have the chromosomal abnormality and now they have two happy and healthy children.

Why am I sharing this?  Kate’s story needs to be part of the IVF dialog.  I am amazed that IVF has become a political battleground.  I’ve learned this first hand and it’s not just in Oklahoma.  Three years ago if you would have told me that I would be playing a role in the political process to help keep IVF safe for families like mine and Kate’s I would have rolled my eyes.  IVF and other assisted reproductive technologies have been around for a long time.  They are life-giving and pro-family.  Why in the world would someone want to mess with that?

Well, here I am.  I had a baby through IVF.  I know lots of parents who did.  I bet you know someone or knows someone who knows someone who had their baby through IVF.  Who could look into those parents eyes, listen to their heart breaking plea for a baby and say “no”?

15 Responses

  1. Gie Schaffer

    I am so glad that there was a happy ending to that very powerful story! And it really does hurt my heart to think that some people have to go through so much trouble to have something so precious…something that many others take for granted. Thank you for this.

    • Hugs, Kisses and Snot

      It is amazing that some people can get pregnant so easy and it’s so hard for others. You’re right – we should never take our ability to give life for granted. Thanks for reading!

  2. Blond Duck

    My husband and I are trying for kids and having to consider the possibility that IVF may be in our future….it’s scary. Happy SITS day!

  3. bonnie ferrell

    wow just read the story you have linked up,and I’m speechless. I have no idea how you get through something like that, yet God gives you the strength. Happy Sits Day

  4. Tanya

    Congrats on your sits day! Thank you for your post. I too lost my first child to a virus. I admire your commitment to IVF. That is something I don’t have a lot of experience with, but know people who do. Keep it up!

  5. rachelcotterill

    That’s such a sweet story – I never knew there was any controversy about IVF (but then I’m in the UK and I think we have different battles!)

  6. leaza

    Happy SITS day! Love the name of your blog. 🙂

    I still hope to have a baby someday…more than likely I’ll have to use IVF. Thanks for being a resource on the web.

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