Hate Is Not Our Theme song
This weekend, our country went completely off the rails. Or as far off the rails as I have seen it in my adult life. The events of Charlottesville and what led up to it have consumed my mind for the … Continued
This weekend, our country went completely off the rails. Or as far off the rails as I have seen it in my adult life. The events of Charlottesville and what led up to it have consumed my mind for the … Continued
On days like today, when it feels like our country is imploding, I sit at my computer and stare at the screen. I read and listen to the comments, the posts, the rants, the angry voices, the hurt voices and … Continued
It’s happened again. A senseless act of hate, terror and racism took the lives of too many and brought our country to its knees. The bloggers have lit up the internet, the cable news outlets are spinning this way and … Continued