Proud Mama Moments

Piano Recital

This past two weeks I’ve been witness to a few things that  few years ago I would have told you would never happen.  I’ve had some serious proud mama moments.  Tight throat and prickly eyes.

About a week ago was the church Christmas children’s production.  Typically, 3rd, 4th and 5th graders are asked to have speaking parts.  Addison was given a line.  He wasn’t too happy about it but I explained to him that as a performer, this is just what we do.  We take the role we’ve been handed and go after it with gusto.  Plus, BFF is the children’s choir director and we need to do this because we love her.

In the past Addison has been, shall we say, a bit reluctant to sing in the children’s choir.  If you know me personally you would be scratching your head at his resistance.  I was a music major, Dear Husband is musical and we met each other while performing in a production of H.M.S. Pinafore (bur that is a different story for a different day).  Being in the children’s choir at church isn’t an option.  I have compromised with him and said that he doesn’t have to sing as long as he stands still up there, no horsing around and doesn’t pick his nose.

Back to my story.  The week before Thanksgiving and at the Christmas pageant a miracle occurred.  Addison moved his lips and actual sound came out.  Sound that was actually singing and went along with the music.  Everybody, I mean everybody, in church noticed and let me know how proud they were to see him sing.  At the pageant he said his line clearly and with confidence.

My favorite part of the video is right after he says his little line he looks right to us with a big grin.  You can tell he is proud of himself for what he has done and also seeking reassurance from us.

My next proud mamma moment was this weekend.  Addison had his first piano recital.  We started piano at the beginning of the school year.  It was met with reluctance but he quickly discovered that he liked it.

I took piano when I was his age.  After a few years I begged my mom to let me stop.  I distinctly remember her saying that I would regret it but she relented and allowed me to give it up.  She was right; I regret it.  Did you hear that mom?  You were right.  I regret giving up piano.

Dear Husband and I agreed that this is a talent one can’t live without.  By god our boys are going to be able to play the piano better than we can.

piano recital


Here he is practicing his fingering beforehand.  A sure sign he is taking this seriously and wants to do well.  Bless his heart.

This mama could not be more proud.

2 Responses

  1. Chris Carter

    YAY ADDISON!!!! You should be soooo proud of him and look how he is just growing in confidence and what a gift you are giving him to provide so many beautiful outlets in music!! (You KNOW I am a big fan of THAT!) I had NO idea you were a music major! (I was too- Bachelor in Music and degree in Music Therapy…..I don’t know if we ever talked about that!)

    What proud moments for you mama. Just remarkable.

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